Sunday, August 31, 2008

My very own blogosphere on the internets.

Well... The time has finally come for me to enter the 21st Century...  I've become part of the blogosphere, the blogocube, the blogododecahedron, and even the blogothunderdome.  Yes, folks, that's right... I now have a blog.  

"But, what does that mean for me?" you ask.

Seriously?  That's your question.  This is my blog; maybe you should focus a little less on me and start focusing more on me.  There, much better.

So... what will you find here?  Probably more than a few political posts, stuff I feel like writing that you probably won't care about, things that amuse me, things that don't amuse me.  Yes, the occasional robot story may grace these digital pages as well.


Or don't... I don't really care. 

(I do care.  Please enjoy.)