Friday, January 30, 2009



This letter is in regards to the "your new matches" e-mail sent at 1:06 AM on Thrusday, the 29th of January.

In this e-mail, you provided the usernames and pictures of a number of no doubt highly qualified matches, all of whom you ranked at higher than 80%.  I'm sure you saw some quality in each of these potential future Mrs Matt Deckers, and I appreciate the effort.  However, there is one so-called "match" that I must question.  Do you really, honestly, truly believe that NurseEmGOP is a 90% match?  Do you know me at all?

Let's analyze this...

1) Her username is NurseEmGOP.  Yes, GOP... as in "Grand Old Party."  The Republicans.  Team Elephant.  Gay for Regan.  Etc.  

Why would you even suggest that??

2) Now, let's delve a bit deeper into her profile.  Politics: Conservative.  My profile: Liberal.  Religion of her Ideal match: Christian (actually, she listed Christian/Catholic; Christian/LDS; Christian/Protestant; and Christian/Other.  That's very specific).  My religion: none!! She wants three kids.  I say I only want 1 (and even that is a stretch).  Her last read: a biography of Sarah Palin.  I reiterate, a biography of SARAH PALIN!  Just for kicks, let's see what I have listed.  I am America (and so can you) and The Audacity of Hope.  Really,  Do you really think someone who read books by Stephen Colbert and Barack Obama would be interested in someone who found Sarah Palin interesting enough to read a book about her?, I am very disappointed in you.  I thought you knew me.   If you're trying to get me back,, this isn't the way to do it.  We're through.  You can give up now.  

With Love,

PS: Really?  Sarah Palin?? Come on.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

25 songs I kind of like: a list I made months ago and probably no longer agree with.

Several months ago, a friend (Linton) challenged me to make a list of my 25 favorite songs. Note: that's FAVORITE, not BEST. Songs on this list do not always represent the best of that artist's work.

Here's the list I came up with.

1) Norwegian Wood (the beatles)
2) Desolation Row (Bob Dylan)
3) 6 suites for cello - prelude (JS Bach, performed by Yo Yo Ma)
4) Superstition (Stevie Wonder)
5) Summertime Blues (The Who)
6) Love in Vein (The Rolling Stones)
7) 20th Century Fox (The Doors)
8) Short Skirt, Long Jacket (Cake)
9) 'Round Midnight (Miles Davis)
10) center of attention (guster)
11) Rhapsody in Blue (George Gershwin)
12) Sleeping in (the postal service)
13) Comes Love (Billie Holiday)
14) Mannish Boy (Muddy Waters)
15) Cowgirl in the Sand (Neil Young)
16) The Fitted Shirt (Spoon)
17) Tokyo Storm Warning (Elvis Costello)
18) Traveling Riverside Blues (Robert Johnson)
19) I'm not like everybody else (The Kinks)
20) Purple Haze (Kronos Quartet)
21) Why do you let me stay here (She and Him)*
22) When I Paint my Masterpiece (The Band)*
23) Hitchin' a Ride (Green Day)
24) Appalacia Waltz [entire album] (Yo Yo Ma, Mark O'Connor, Edgar Meyer)
25) I Just Wasn't Made for these Times (The Beach Boys)

Now let's be perfectly honest here. This list is crap. Sure, my top 7 are solid, but after that I was basically just trying to fill spaces. Do I honestly think "Why do you let me stay here" is better than "When I paint my masterpiece?" No. I wouldn't even say I like "why do you let me stay here" better than "When I paint my masterpiece." Let's fix that right now.

*Amended list:
21) When I Paint my Masterpiece (The Band)
22) Why do you let me stay here (She and Him)

Okay... and while I'm at it, let's move "I just wasn't made for these times" up a few spaces. Hmm... better. Now add "A Day in the Life" (The Beatles), "Tangled up in Blue" (Dylan), and "19th Nervous Breakdown" (Rolling Stones). Getting closer. Oh, and I'll also need the Hendrix cover of "All Along the Watchtower," Dvorak's Cello Concerto, The Who's "My Generation," "Something" by The Beatles... and the following albums: Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Highway 61 Revisited, Exile on Main St, and The Who: Live at Leeds.

Also... have you heard Fleet Foxes? They're really good.

sigh. I'm not very good at this.

Next up: The Movie Game. I'll probably get around to doing that sometime in July.