Dear Mythbusters (Adam, Jamie, Tori, Grant, and Kari):
You are always asking your loyal viewers (me) to submit myths for you to investigate. Here is one to which I think you might want to devote an entire episode. The myth is as follows:
Kari Byron, will you go out with me?
This is a classic myth, most likely originating from colonial America (or possibly while sitting on the couch with my cat on a particularly lonely saturday night). In this myth, a young man (me, Matt Decker) asks your very own Kari Byron to accompany him on a romantic outing. Kari then replies in the affirmative, and the two have a delightful evening. They have dinner at a local mediterranean restaurant, take in a show at an underground theatre, then stop off for drinks at a nearby bar. The myth ends with the possibility of a second date (please?).
Here are some suggestions on how you may want to break down this myth, and present it to your television viewers (me).
Part 1: Does Kari Byron exist?
-Since Kari is one of the Mythbusters, this should be fairly easy. MYTH CONFIRMED.
Part 2: Asking Kari on a date?
-This is more complicated--and potentially dangerous. Someone will have to ask her out. You could have Tori stand in as a stunt double, but that might be risky. I suggesting using some kind of "human analog," such as a pig carcass, ballistics gel mold, Buster the crash test dummy, or me (Matt Decker). Will she say yes? Well... I'm not a complete waste of a person, so, let's say "Plausible."
Part 3: Will they have a delightful evening?
-You will need to test the scientific basis for an enjoyable date. Not exactly sure how to go about it... but I would imagine it involves Grant building some robots. Alternatively, you could send Kari Byron on a date with me (Matt Decker). Grant's robots can come, too (but no third wheels).
Part 4: Adam and Jamie blow something up.
-Every myth seems to end in tiny bits scattered around the Alameda Sheriff's bomb range. Now, I'm not suggesting the explosion would be a metaphor for anything (I'm not that kind of guy, thank you very much). Just blow something up. It makes for good TV. Plus, I know how much Kari enjoys seeing things blow up. Some might even call it romantic (no one would call it romantic).
Well, Mythbusters, there you have it. A classic, timeless myth broke down into 4 easily presented segments. All that remains is for you to take the challenge (Please? I promise I'm not creepy. Really, I'm a really nice guy. Consider it?).
Matt Decker.