Friday, October 24, 2008

I make a invitation sound incredibly inappropriate by liberally using the word "sexy"

This is a note for you from Ellen B., another sexy MoveOn member in Covington:

Dear Sexy MoveOn member,

I'm Ellen B. and I'm your sexy neighbor in Covington. This weekend, I'm having folks over to have a sexy party and make sexy calls for Obama, and I hope you can make it!

Some of my sexy friends think we can all just relax because Obama's up in the polls. But I don't. Yesterday I saw a poll from the Associated Press that had Barack up by just one sexy point. And Barack Obama is telling his sexy folks to work like they're 20 sexy points down in the polls, so I figure that goes for all of us! I want to make sure Covington is doing our part.

So I decided to throw one of 1,000 MoveOn for Obama Sexy Parties that are happening around the country. We'll call other sexy MoveOn members in sexy swing states like Ohio, Florida, or Virginia and sign them up to help the Obama campaign get out the sexy vote in the last few, sexy days of the campaign.

Some other local sexy progressives have already signed up to come, but we still need more sexy callers! Plus, there'll be some good food to share and great sexy people to meet.

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